Project News

RiskPACC Eilat Case Study
Earlier this month, the Municipality of Eilat and Magen David Adom, both partners of the RiskPACC Project,...
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Evaluation and State-Of-The-Art Summary Report (Civil Protection Authorities)
Deliverable D1.1 “Evaluation and SOTA Summary Report (CPAs)“, as the first output of Work...
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"Engaging Citizens to expand understandings of risks, vulnerabilities and data collection opportunities" - Work Package 2 Leaders interview
“Engaging Citizens to expand understandings of risks, vulnerabilities and data collection opportunities”...
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"Understanding good practices and challenges in Civil Protection policy and practice" - Work Package 1 Leader interview
RiskPACC Work Package 1 “Understanding good practices and challenges in Civil Protection policy...
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2nd EXTERNAL WORKSHOP – Municipality of Padova
On the 9th of February the second workshop of the pilot case of the Municipality of Padova was held in...
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On the 3rd of February the second workshop of the case study of the Municipality of Rafina- Pikermi took...
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DRS Societal Resilience Cluster
As of January 2023, RiskPACC is pleased to be joining a new cluster, the DRS Societal Resilience Cluster....
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RiskPACC 1st Awareness Workshop
On June 27th, RiskPACC organized its 1st Awareness Workshop entitled – Citizens &...
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Citizens & Civil Protection Interaction: how to reduce the “Risk Perception Action Gap” - RiskPACC's 1st Awareness Workshop
The RiskPACC Consortium is pleased to invite you to attend the RiskPACC’s 1st Awareness Workshop! The...
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RiskPACC @ the Third European Conference on Risk Perception, Behavior, Management and Response.
On Monday and Tuesday 13 and 14 June, RiskPACC participated in the Third European Conference on Risk...
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101019707. This webpage reflects only the author’s view and the Research Executive Agency (REA) and European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

| Copyright @ RiskPACC 2021 |