Increase understanding of the Risk Perception-Action Gap (RPAG) and vulnerabilities in Europe in order to reduce disaster risk and increase resilience in line with the Sendai framework and the European Commission’s Sendai Action Plan.
Developing and field-validating a framework and methodology for Civil Protection Authorities (CPAs), Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and citizens for reducing the RPAG in communities of varying socio-economic conditions. This will draw on a range of existing and emerging international practices.
Increase information exchange between different stakeholders as part of RiskPACC’s co-creation and gamification approaches to develop the final product (the “Risk Pack”) and facilitate collaboration across the risk cycle.
Advance multi-disciplinary understanding of disaster resilience by drawing on social science, humanities, technical, digital, geographical, and human factors concepts.
Provide recommendations for decision makers and disaster resilience stakeholder groups on how to reduce the RPAG and facilitate engagement between CPAs, CSOs and citizens including volunteers.
Increase knowledge on the use of new technologies, media and practices to close the RPAG in relation to their role, value and impact for CPAs, CSOs, citizens and other actors across different disaster phases.
Develop a platform to serve as a knowledge base consisting of existing tools, technologies and guidelines. This will be structured to link to relevant stakeholders and with the establishment of knowledge networks under the revision of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism.
Combine the use of crowd-sourcing and volunteered geographical information (VGI) solutions with the RiskPACC solutions for use in disaster prevention/preparedness, response and recovery.
Assess the impact of novel technologies to increase risk perception and to bridge the RGAP, such as tracking apps, and develop guidelines for development and implementation of future technological solutions.
Develop collaboration formats, guidelines and training material for RiskPACC outputs and platform. This will include physical material and games as well as online material and videos.
Develop bespoke training and guidance material for CPAs and citizens for the consideration of human factors and bridging the digital divide.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101019707. This webpage reflects only the author’s view and the Research Executive Agency (REA) and European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.